*Arundinaria gigantea is currently unavailable in all cultivars and pot sizes - please contact us to be added to the wish list (and let us know your preferred pot size and quantity)*
This species, along with its shorter form, ‘Tecta’, are the only bamboos native to the United States. It was once widespread in the southeast, growing in Florida and as far north as Ohio and Maryland, covering thousands of acres of rich bottomland. Although still seen in small patches, these large groves have largely been replaced by farms. Arundinaria gigantea has been recorded growing to over 30 feet tall in the past, but it is now seldom seen growing much over 20 feet tall. The 'Tecta' form looks similar but only grows 6-8 feet tall and is tolerant of wet soil. Another variety called 'Macon' is rumored to grow more upright and to be cold tolerant to -22 F. We cannot verify if this is true, but we hope so.