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Borinda albocerea

Max/Avg Height (ft.): 15, 12

Diameter: 0.8 inches

Hardiness: 15°F

USDA Zones: 8b-9, Not recommended for climates with a lot of intense heat or high summer humidity (including most of the southern USA)

*Limited availability - please contact us for details*

*Please note, this is a shade-loving plant that may experience yellowing, leaf burn, stunted growth, or may perish with too much direct sun during the summer. Its sun tolerance will depend on your specific climate and growing conditions.*

This exciting new bamboo from Yunnan has new culms coated with a beautiful bluish wax. As the culms turn yellow as they age and the wax wears off. We are hopeful that it will prove hardier than so far reported. This is one bamboo with a species name that is  descriptive of the plant: from the Latin albo, meaning white, and cereus for wax, describing the white waxy coating on the new culms. Very similar to B. papyrifera, but smaller.

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Plant Name


1 to 3 ft


2 to 4 ft


4 to 7 ft


6 to 12 ft


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for height
Mature Height Max / Avg. (ft.) in Zone 8
or Clumping
Zone Range
Light Tolerance
Range (1-5)
*Depends on climate*
Borinda albocerea
15, 12