*Please note that although this bamboo is relatively sun tolerant in some mild climates, such as NW Oregon and Western Washington, it is not sun tolerant in many other climates. It is a shade-loving plant that may experience yellowing, leaf burn, stunted growth, or may perish with too much direct sun during the summer. Its sun tolerance will depend on your specific climate and growing conditions.*
This elegant bamboo was collected in 1997 from the mountains of Pingwu county in Sichuan, China at an elevation over 8,500 feet. Imported by Jos van der Palen of Kimmei Nursery in Holland.
Fargesia sp. ‘Scabrida’ has perhaps the most exciting colors of any hardy clumping bamboo: the young culms have dark orange sheaths, opening gradually to reveal steel-blue and lavender culms, aging to an olive green. The leaves are dark green and slender, with a graceful, airy arrangement.
Like F. robusta, it has many desirable qualities: fairly upright habit, vigorous growth, and more sun-tolerant than most other Fargesia. Scabrida makes a great, evergreen privacy screen, growing to about 14 feet.
New release discovered at Bamboo Garden, Variegated form of Scabrida: 'Silver Dragon'