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Himalayacalamus hookerianus

Blue Bamboo

Max/Avg Height (ft.): 20

Diameter: 0.75 inch

Hardiness: 20° F

USDA Zones: 8b-9, Not recommended for climates with a lot of intense heat or high summer humidity

*Currently unavailable due to gregarious flowering (may be several years before it is available again)*

*Please note, this is a shade-loving plant that may experience yellowing, leaf burn, stunted growth, or may perish with too much direct sun during the summer. Its sun tolerance will depend on your specific climate and growing conditions It may be more sun tolerant in cool coastal areas with mild winters, such as parts of coastal northern California and Oregon.*

This is the famous Blue Bamboo and one of our most beautiful clumping bamboos. It comes from the lower elevations of the Himalayas in Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan and was formerly called Arundinaria falcata or Drepanostachyum falcatum. The new culms are blue sometimes with a hint of red or purple, aging to a light golden color. Not for sunny locations or hot southern climates.

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1 to 3 ft


2 to 4 ft


4 to 7 ft


6 to 12 ft


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for height
Mature Height Max / Avg. (ft.) in Zone 8
or Clumping
Zone Range
Light Tolerance
Range (1-5)
*Depends on climate*
Himalayacalamus hookerianus