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Qiongzhuea tumidissinoda

Walking Stick Bamboo, Chinese Walking Stick

Max/Avg Height (ft.): 20, 15

Diameter: 0.75 inch

Hardiness: 10° F

USDA Zones: 8-9, Not recommended for climates with a lot of intense heat or high summer humidity (including most of the southern USA)

*Limited availability - please contact us for details*

*Please note that although this bamboo is sun tolerant in some mild climates, such as NW Oregon and Western Washington, it is not sun tolerant in many other climates. It is a shade-loving plant that may experience yellowing, leaf burn, stunted growth, or may perish with too much direct sun during the summer. Its sun tolerance will depend on your specific climate and growing conditions.*

With its large, disk-like nodes, this bamboo is very popular for making canes and walking sticks in Sichuan, China. The name tumidissinoda is descriptive of the greatly enlarged nodes. This is a bamboo of multiple attributes, the culms with the swollen nodes being the principal attraction and its beautiful foliage another. It is also known for having delicious tasting shoots and an enthusiastic growing habit.

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Plant Name


1 to 3 ft


2 to 4 ft


4 to 7 ft


6 to 12 ft


for height


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for height


for height
Mature Height Max / Avg. (ft.) in Zone 8
or Clumping
Zone Range
Light Tolerance
Range (1-5)
*Depends on climate*
Qiongzhuea tumidissinoda
20, 15