Tue-Sat: 9am to 4pm
Sun-Mon: Closed
(503) 647-2700 (office) | (503) 374-3558 (mobile)
Price List
Bamboo Types
Bamboo Control
Bamboo Care
Barrier Installation
Bamboo Catalog
Our Garden
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Price List
Bamboo Types
Bamboo Control
Bamboo Care
Barrier Installation
Bamboo Catalog
Our Garden
Links to Other Organizations
Local Resources
Lloyd Dubois'
Planter Studio
Bamboo Rescue
Bamboo and Beyond
- LCB licensed bamboo installation, maintenance, and removal by Matt Getchell
Bamboo Valley
- LCB licensed bamboo specialty landscaping, installation, and removal by Dain Sansome
Bamboo sculpture by local artist
Charissa Brock
Tomita Designs
- innovative bamboo products and interior design in Portland, Oregon
Urban Garden Wholesale
- local garden supply in North Plains, Oregon
Cistus Nursery
- hardy palms and tropicals on Sauvie Island....your home of zonal denial
Creative Landscapes
- LCB licensed landscaping by Nick Erickson
Nonprofits, Trade Associations, etc.
Ned Jaquith Foundation
- a nonprofit that commemorates the legacy of our late founder by supporting bamboo research projects
If you love bamboo, you owe it to yourself to join
The American Bamboo Society
We are also members of
Oregon Association of Nurseries
And we provided all of the bamboo for the
Lan Su Chinese Garden
World Bamboo Organization
- The mission is to promote and support the use of bamboo as a sustainable resource.
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
EBS Great Britain
- The Bamboo Society of Great Britain
- International Plant Propagators' Society
Other Nurseries and Landscaping Businesses
Our friends Galyn and Rosemary of
Grassworks Bamboo
- a Southern Oregon bamboo nursery
Tropical Bamboo® Nursery
- our friend Robert in Florida
Need More Bamboo
- bamboo nursery in Indiana with good info about bamboo hardiness
- garden designer and landscape advice
For our Canadian friends, we recommend
Bamboo Botanicals
Canada's Bamboo World
Earthcare Enterprises
in Australia
Kimmei Nursery
- Jos Van der Palens bamboo nursery in Holland
- Wolfgang Eberts bamboo nursery in Germany
Bamboo Lexicon
- a wealth of information from bamboo collector Fred Vaupel in Germany
La Bambouseraie
- huge bamboo nursery in southern France
Hardy Bamboo
- Paul Whitakers bamboo nursery in England
Other Resources
Bamboo Identification
- the informative website of Dr. Chris Stapleton, bamboo taxonomist
- one of the most informative bamboo sites, created by PNW chapter member Bill Hollenbeck
- Daphne Lewis' bamboo research grove
Contemporary Basketry with Japanese Influence
by Nancy Moore Bess
Bamboo Blog
by Phil Comer - lots of good information
New Zealand's Bambusero
Email Us