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Fargesia robusta 'Pingwu'

Green Screen

Max/Avg Height (ft.): 15, 12

Diameter: 0.75 inch

Hardiness: 0° F

USDA Zones: 7-9, Not recommended for climates with a lot of intense heat or high summer humidity (including most of the southern USA)

Fargesia robusta is a  good choice for a clumping bamboo that can create a narrow screen; being taller, more upright, and more robust than Fargesia nitida or Fargesia murielae. This species has dark green foliage and light green culms, and new shoots are hairy and rusty red upon emergence from the ground in early spring. The culm sheaths persist and soon fade to a light color, almost white, giving the culms a very attractive checkerboard look in the spring through early summer. It is also more sun tolerant than most other Fargesia but ideally would prefer protection from the hot afternoon sun.  We have one growing in full sun that has never shown any sign of  leaf burn. It is more compact than one would be with shade (about 10 feet tall) and slightly lighter shade of green.

Green Screen is the trade name for a single specimen of Fargesia robusta 'Pingwu' that was selected originally by Jan Oprins of Plant Oprins in Belgium. He chose this particular plant, based on its exceptional vigor and beauty, to be the subject for tissue culture propagation. Plant Oprins has made thousands of plants with identical genetics to the original favorite which has proven very successful in landscapes all across Europe. Bamboo Horticulturalist Susanne Lucas introduced this fine cultivar to the United States.

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Plant Name


1 to 3 ft


2 to 4 ft


4 to 7 ft


6 to 12 ft


for height


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for height
Mature Height Max / Avg. (ft.) in Zone 8
or Clumping
Zone Range
Light Tolerance
Range (1-5)
*Depends on climate*
Fargesia robusta 'Pingwu'
15, 12